--Miss @ 21:23, 1 May 2006 (UTC)
[hide]- 1 Anarchy
- 2 Perfect Paradox in civilised time
- 3 Anti State Anti Law
- 4 Divided in timelines
- 5 It's still the lie that rules
- 6 No reason to stop creativity
- 7 Every war is the same mistake
- 8 I wish I knew nothing I know
- 9 You
- 10 Life is like a magicmirror
- 11 Freedom in captivity
- 12 I will forgive but never forget
- 13 All ways are misterious
- 14 The only vicious creature is man itself
- 15 How sunshine makes my day
- 16 My hope for a world equal in all not on paper
- 17 My quest for you is comming to an end
Anarchy is freedom of thought
Life led by your own choice
No leaders no followers
No laws. Neither written nor spoken.
Anarchy is life, for what it's worth
Anarchy is symbol to what all symbols are designed for
A place not to fear, just to love
No consequences to the other's law
Just human, nothing less, nothing more
No leadership to devide nature
No power to control souls
Hail to those who see, and choose to live in their own Anarchy
--Miss @ 14:20, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
Perfect Paradox in civilised time[edit]
--Miss @ 14:21, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
Black and White
Capturing Colours
Lines making the optical illusion real
As if black and white could ever, express the true intention of colours
Daylight is delight
No other light, reflects, so magnificent, on water then sunlight
Colours of nature
Growth Development Creation of nature
Be aware of sneaking snails
Products of their problems, save yourself from their hell
--Miss @ 14:18, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
Anti State Anti Law[edit]
--Miss @ 14:29, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
How can you call this justice
Laws, made by the state
Howcome, they can make their own conviction
Wouldn't every criminal want to that
No one would miss the chance to, wash their hands in innocence
Why can't we stop it
Just because we are, born as occupants of these regions
The thought of regulating society is wrong from within
Humans can not be tamed by themselves, just like no animal would
We need to watch out not to create an upper link in nature's foodchain
The upper link is designed in money and market from within
Thefts of our own, is what they make us
We live in a state, without a heart
Nature is against, our human rules
Anarchy is the saviour, to the once whom see
Live free, and live, to the world, to see
--Miss @ 14:18, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
Divided in timelines[edit]
--Miss @ 19:46, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
All they do to stop, our believe in true freedom, of mind
Anarchy provides, freedom of, all in all
Fear of loss of rules, keeps them from believing us
Because states are, the only ones, whom benefit from the law
They already have createn a law, to make in impossible to, get your true rights
To choose an other form of state than that whom leads your land
Free yourself, from their words of justice
They are, only words they speak.
Black and White, with no mentioning of truth of collours, that are really inside
--Miss @ 19:43, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
It's still the lie that rules[edit]
--Miss @ 10:15, 28 April 2006 (UTC)
To believe in a physical, existing, truth
Houses the conspiracy, of the lie it tries to cover with an untrue truth
This form of government is illegal in origin
It governs a lie that cannot be true, because it "is" not
The only thruth that is, the same in all, is, the truth we should follow
No words can ever express any feeling of the human heart
All are plots, to GET the same
It's not about the gain, it's all about the loss
Almost not to cover in words because what I need to find is colourful
There is only one thing thats real of what they've done; money
Truth cannot be found outside of human mind, can only be found in ones own mind
To believe in the real truth is not illegal
They cannot see in our minds, so our minds are free for ever
As long as their technologie doesn't crack the inner code, we all are safe
Free to think and conclude what we want
Free to choose and free to live your own rules
So therefore I lost all belief in ever finding truth
Outside of my own, Anarchy
--Miss @ 10:11, 28 April 2006 (UTC)
No reason to stop creativity[edit]
--Miss @ 12:21, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
Opened eyes cannot be shut
I ain't giving them what they want
Not this lifetime
Not in my life
I believe in something
Which I ain't gonna give up no more not again
You worked me like a mirror
Ain't ever gonna give up my believes in a world without the bounderies that this one does
I don't want to change back again, not in their advantage
In this world of made-believe I cannot live my life, the way I grew up to live
I am not sorry to what I've done. I did where I believe in. And believe is within yourself.
All seems so easy, yet no one can ever understand someone else
Never been thaught to ain't the answer, never believed in themselves is
A state where people get trust in people that don't for real
Almost all, depends on their trademarks their money their fame
Free yourself from a conspiracy that's so severe, is difficult not yet impossible
Therefore I have chosen to believe in a free world, not one ruled by money and unexisting numbers
--Miss @ 12:21, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
Every war is the same mistake[edit]
Two sides, two truths, two storys behind
Angryness out of lack of selfinsurance
Every argument is the same disfunction of brain
Every discusion about rules and roles is too
Man isn't made to live by standards, other then his own
It can consume all, yet miss the targets
These wars are nonsence
All lies to be uncovered when happend
When it's to late to stop it
This time I am not to late to speak out my word
Becauze I have known. And I was against
I believe in my own, free, loving worldwide
I wish I knew nothing I know[edit]
I hate to say
Love to learn and love to see, what surrounds me
Yet am frightend when I see this world astranging
From their heart. The humans in it
Poltics and Commercialisation
See souls as consumers, and swallows allmost all
We have to let go the black and white we are born in
And let in the collours ourselves
Life is what you make it. Live is what you are
Your are your own teacher to create your goals
Mine are simple
Never the less, impossible
Yet I dream and don't give up my dreams
I live my rules and will learn my lessons trough life
I live the way I was raised to live
And conclude that allmost all is poisoned. in this "western civilisation"
They didn't "civilise" us
They tie us down by using traps like war and untrue knowledge
Life is not material
They can't force me to be the way they want me to be
I controll, how hard it is
How dirty to be played. yet imposible not to. Forced by nature
Yet it is the only thing I know
Rules are set up to break...
--Miss @ 14:24, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
I can forgive but will not be able to forget
Cuz what is real, happends, without reason
Off course I can forgive, allmost all
Off course I know whats good and whats bad
But its harder to forgive than to love
Love is easy, forgiving is harder
I understand what I need to forgive
I would have done the same if I stood in your shoes
I will have to search my own answers
Have to set new goals again
Love is all we are and all we have
And is all we can share
Like a candle, can't burn without,fuel
I know i ain't without but the situation shut me out
They want my dreams not to be heared, they and theirs shut me out
Like it shuts out everyone whom has their real and own dreams
Life is what you make it
Life is not always what you choose
'You took control, you had to, were the only one who could
I thank you for that, I would have never have could and she neither
It perhaps is better this way, only have to realise that
Just feel inspired
And will not kill the good you gave
That I will never stop, you don't even want me to
Some lights cannot be stopped shining
Love is no relationship its inside and not to be expressed
Love is in the glimps of some special eyes
Therefor I will not stop what I feel only stop to share with you, difficult not imposible
I don't want to, stop to, love all
and can't stop, loving beauty
I know I have to. In order not to lose your trust for ever
I will try I will try hard, hope to succeed my own quest
Hope you find what you need
Hope you spend your time a way you enjoy
But If you ever deside to want to go away from her, for real
To cut all that binds here, to go, and see the beauty elsewhere
Contact me, whenever you need me to, I'll be there, not waiting just for you But in knowledge your intelect I just will not be easy to find somewhere else
I never wanted to fall in love. Not at all with you.
But somehow I believe in you. And I think I will always do
But words are words as they are
Time has anwers no one has
Perhaps, maybe, I don't know, We'll see'
--Miss @ 07:19, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
Life is like a magicmirror[edit]
Shows relects and messures up to all and nothing at the same time
Shows you ways to deal with things
What you give is what you get
What you do, you do get back
Perhaps I am stupid to search for all answers, written or not
But now , I do, even more then always, it seems as if I can not stop, but know I have to. And do it myself now
I will try to look, try look and see the other side
Beauty in the mirror, at the other side of the moon
Thats what you thaught me, once again
You showed me something I love to share a diffrent level
No needs for me to compeed with anyone, at all
Thats why I can forgive
Understand the choise you made
And have peace with the peace you asked
All I can give is love and peace
So If you need it for yourself, you go ahead and use it
Minds and thoughts are sacret
I will not spoil yours with my words no more
If you might ever want to leave together
I will be there, maybe
Don't know whats on the other side of the mirror
I will look for mirrors on my path
Now I have to go, to see the sun
let the sun and moon reighn my life again
The way they allways have and will always do
Goodbye my friend, times are bad but will get better in time
--Miss @ 07:39, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
Freedom in captivity[edit]
All I want the world to know is that all is free
All is free
Cuz all only "is" in human minds
You can think and choose and act yourself
But afterall dust we're born dust we will be
All time between is for yourself to decide whatever you want to do
Free your self from a hell you didn't build
Happiness is something that cannot be bought
That comes from within
All depends on their money and their brands and their vallues
They are worthless to each and any soul, as soon as people feel bad, they know; they only have themselves; to trust for real
And that there for no leaders are necessairy and is that only bureacratic
Life is not to be captured on tape or words
Life cannot be lead by others the way they involve in westernlife without people asking for it
I don't want to be part of commercialised shit
Yet it is all around me and everywhere
We cannot be trapped in a spell
cuz this spell is not aproved by nature
I believe in our own Human Power to get out of this mess
To stop war, and make love, for real
The lesson that each and every war has thought
It's time the world starts to understand
--Miss @ 19:31, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
I will forgive but never forget[edit]
I am not made to forget
I am made to evolve in the world around me
I learned to forgive
Will never learn to forget.
To forget is to stop believing in yourself.
And thats the worst you can do
Then you stop yourself in things that cannot be stopped
Nature; People are made for love and not for war
Just try to understand, where this loving all comes from
I love you all but never believed that i was loved
Now I only feel the ground beneath me slipping away slowly
To bad capitalism is so wicked, to almost blow dreams away
But dreams are dreams to make real yourself
Build Build and a castle will come
I'll keer on building
But still have an invisible wall
Wish I could convince the world of my believes and arguments
But that will only bring arguments amoung people
So all I can do is sit her
And have the same dream over and over again
To leave this world
And go back to where we belong
Back to nature. Cuz there you see life that MacDonalds and posesions doesnt hide
You saw that. Thats why I can forgive you
You just need to see the real war. Likley to the one in 1984, only the names have been changed and goods of trade
That I will never forget. And that I don't even have to forgive
I just have to let it all go
And go and go, and eventully be gone
Ash to ash and dust till dust
but plastic stays plastic, never gets fantastic
and nature has rules that can drive man insane
when they cross their own borders and dont even see what they do
Weakeness we all hapen to have
Only some escape from their wide eyes.
--Miss @ 19:31, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
All ways are misterious[edit]
You just need to find the road
The answers to your questions
Questions about what is true and what is real
About love and equality
Life lives its days
To come or yet have been
Dreams at night nightmares while daydreaming
Surendering me to be part of this nature
Taking a step back, taking a step forward
Crossing the illusions that don't provide answers
It's just more than life itself
Travel to find the destination in the voyage you make
But my path here is troubled
Cearly visible to those whom let it be, but don't for real
What will happen, what will come, what has been
What should has happened, what should have come, what should have been
I don't wonder why I made my choises
I only wonder about the days I live, lived and will posibly live once
What is new, yet not for real
What going on while I live my life
I stand here and whatch my part
I sit here and don't want to play this game
Cuz it never was a game for me
Life just put me in..
They made their plans for all of us
I don't fit in, never will never should and never would
In silence I fight my own wars
To enemies I never will trust, but can't shut out, not yet, as well
--Miss @ 20:53, 13 May 2006 (UTC)
The only vicious creature is man itself[edit]
Its the only animal that kills, for more reasons than selfdefence
Howcome, we let this happen?
It are only the humans whom let other humans suffer to death
Howcome, why let this happen?
I don't agree with them, yet I live on their grounds
Need their money to get out.
If you don't want to do illegal things this is the only way
I want to be a legal oposition to their trowns
They never had a leader I chose, never had one I would want to choose
Therefor I lead myself
My way. My path. Our earth
For which we should all care
To let it bloom and blossom
Till next fall all seems to die again
To live up next year, and all years after
Till they kill that too
--Miss @ 15:31, 15 May 2006 (UTC)
How sunshine makes my day[edit]
Enlightening all
Making shadows to trick the eye
Enliving all
Making all grow and develope
It frees me from the dark they build
The dark of concreet and missery
It saves me from their plans with me
With only the light of my sun I will live
Holiest of holiest
Mother of all
Shine your light on me
For ever untill the end of time you will
Every day you sooth me like a cradle
Every time I can, you relax me
Every time you do, I see myself
Every day, you are my light of day --Miss @ 12:34, 17 May 2006 (UTC)
My hope for a world equal in all not on paper[edit]
Leadership is a game between powers
A game with a winner and a looser
It convinces one that the other is better
While all questions has a diffrent answer
Some just don't know whats going on
They seem to hide in their shell
How long can they go on
Poisoning our minds our believes and our dreams
With a part that gets hurt and one that hurts someonelse's
A game without equal gain for all
Let the losers lose and let the winners win
Thats the rule they all obey
I can't I'm from the other side
I withnessed life, to let it be
I became me,someone, alone in the dark
Candle light and sunlight
My dreams and my believes
My answers and my questions
Dear life, dear humans, just let me live my life, my way
Don't convict me, I am a man, I learn and develop every day, that's life
--Miss @ 21:24, 18 May 2006 (UTC)
My quest for you is comming to an end[edit]
My believe still is there
But not to find you in a person
My heaven is not yet to come on earth
Still have to make it myself
You didn't care about me for real
You didn't
And that hurts
More then anything
I truely loved you boy
Sorry for that, once again