Template:Events and Notes

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Revision as of 17:38, 28 July 2005 by Millosh (Talk | contribs)

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  1. Temporary rule on meta: and eng: because of spammers: only registered users can edit. --Milos Rancic 17:38, 28 Jul 2005 (UTC)
  2. Anarchopedia's server was down for around 17 hours because of one irresponsible action (scanning) of one person (not related to Anarchopedia) which has shell account. I don't expect such actions anymore. --Milos Rancic 07:56, 19 Apr 2005 (CDT)
  3. All contributors to Anarchopedia can have email @anarchopedia.org. For more informations see Anarchopedia:email --Milos Rancic 13:32, 9 Feb 2005 (CST)
  4. We have new logo. --Milos Rancic 13:32, 9 Feb 2005 (CST)
  5. Our friend Christiaan has made a proposal for a new Anarchopedia logo. We should vote about new logo on Meta. --Milos Rancic 23:34, 20 Jan 2005 (CST)