System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-namespace (Talk) (Translate) Namespace to limit the results to.
apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-showlinkedto (Talk) (Translate) Show changes on pages linked to the selected page instead.
apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-tagfilter (Talk) (Translate) Filter by tag.
apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-target (Talk) (Translate) Show only changes on pages linked from this page.
apihelp-feedwatchlist-description (Talk) (Translate) Returns a watchlist feed.
apihelp-feedwatchlist-example-all6hrs (Talk) (Translate) Show all changes to watched pages in the past 6 hours.
apihelp-feedwatchlist-example-default (Talk) (Translate) Show the watchlist feed.
apihelp-feedwatchlist-param-feedformat (Talk) (Translate) The format of the feed.
apihelp-feedwatchlist-param-hours (Talk) (Translate) List pages modified within this many hours from now.
apihelp-feedwatchlist-param-linktosections (Talk) (Translate) Link directly to changed sections if possible.
apihelp-filerevert-description (Talk) (Translate) Revert a file to an old version.
apihelp-filerevert-example-revert (Talk) (Translate) Revert <kbd>Wiki.png</kbd> to the version of <kbd>2011-03-05T15:27:40Z</kbd>.
apihelp-filerevert-param-archivename (Talk) (Translate) Archive name of the revision to revert to.
apihelp-filerevert-param-comment (Talk) (Translate) Upload comment.
apihelp-filerevert-param-filename (Talk) (Translate) Target filename, without the File: prefix.
apihelp-format-example-generic (Talk) (Translate) Return the query result in the $1 format.
apihelp-globalblock-description (Talk) (Translate) Globally block or unblock a user.
apihelp-globalblock-example-1 (Talk) (Translate) Block indefinitely with reason "Cross-wiki abuse"
apihelp-globalblock-param-anononly (Talk) (Translate) Specify this if the block should only affect logged-out users.
apihelp-globalblock-param-expiry (Talk) (Translate) If specified, will block or reblock the user. Determines how long the block will last for, e.g. "5 months" or "2 weeks". If set to "infinite" or "indefinite" the block will never expire.
apihelp-globalblock-param-reason (Talk) (Translate) The reason for blocking/unblocking.
apihelp-globalblock-param-target (Talk) (Translate) The target IP address.
apihelp-globalblock-param-unblock (Talk) (Translate) If specified, will unblock the user.
apihelp-help-description (Talk) (Translate) Display help for the specified modules.
apihelp-help-example-help (Talk) (Translate) Help for the help module itself.
apihelp-help-example-main (Talk) (Translate) Help for the main module.
apihelp-help-example-query (Talk) (Translate) Help for two query submodules.
apihelp-help-example-recursive (Talk) (Translate) All help in one page.
apihelp-help-param-helpformat (Talk) (Translate) Format of the help output.
apihelp-help-param-modules (Talk) (Translate) Modules to display help for (values of the <var>action</var> and <var>format</var> parameters, or <kbd>main</kbd>). Can specify submodules with a <kbd>+</kbd>.
apihelp-help-param-recursivesubmodules (Talk) (Translate) Include help for submodules recursively.
apihelp-help-param-submodules (Talk) (Translate) Include help for submodules of the named module.
apihelp-help-param-toc (Talk) (Translate) Include a table of contents in the HTML output.
apihelp-help-param-wrap (Talk) (Translate) Wrap the output in a standard API response structure.
apihelp-imagerotate-description (Talk) (Translate) Rotate one or more images.
apihelp-imagerotate-example-generator (Talk) (Translate) Rotate all images in <kbd>Category:Flip</kbd> by <kbd>180</kbd> degrees.
apihelp-imagerotate-example-simple (Talk) (Translate) Rotate <kbd>File:Example.png</kbd> by <kbd>90</kbd> degrees.
apihelp-imagerotate-param-rotation (Talk) (Translate) Degrees to rotate image clockwise.
apihelp-import-description (Talk) (Translate) Import a page from another wiki, or from an XML file. Note that the HTTP POST must be done as a file upload (i.e. using multipart/form-data) when sending a file for the <var>xml</var> parameter.
apihelp-import-example-import (Talk) (Translate) Import [[meta:Help:ParserFunctions]] to namespace 100 with full history.
apihelp-import-param-fullhistory (Talk) (Translate) For interwiki imports: import the full history, not just the current version.
apihelp-import-param-interwikipage (Talk) (Translate) For interwiki imports: page to import.
apihelp-import-param-interwikisource (Talk) (Translate) For interwiki imports: wiki to import from.
apihelp-import-param-namespace (Talk) (Translate) Import to this namespace. Cannot be used together with <var>$1rootpage</var>.
apihelp-import-param-rootpage (Talk) (Translate) Import as subpage of this page. Cannot be used together with <var>$1namespace</var>.
apihelp-import-param-summary (Talk) (Translate) Import summary.
apihelp-import-param-templates (Talk) (Translate) For interwiki imports: import all included templates as well.
apihelp-import-param-xml (Talk) (Translate) Uploaded XML file.
apihelp-json-description (Talk) (Translate) Output data in JSON format.
apihelp-json-param-ascii (Talk) (Translate) If specified, encodes all non-ASCII using hexadecimal escape sequences. Default when <var>formatversion</var> is <kbd>1</kbd>.
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