User talk:Annemiek

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Revision as of 21:41, 11 May 2006 by Annemiek (Talk | contribs)

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Hey People?!

What do you think of my space on the WorldWide?!

I will publish more within time..

Hopefully someone visits and leaves me a message..

--Miss @ 23:05, 25 April 2006 (UTC)

I think your poetry is very flowing and beautiful. Keep going!

Do you mind if I make adjustments in the spelling? Anyway, I especially liked the "Daylight is delight" one, I will ask our friend Beta M who is also a poet to leave a comment here.

~Rev 22 15:34, 26 April 2006 (UTC)

Hey Rev 22 Thanx for your comments! I write crapy shit. But to write about Anarchy can only be done beautifully. hihi. I think its the inspiration that makes the poetry and not the writer of the words hihi... No I wouldn't mind if anyone corrects my spelling.. I'm dutch so English isn't my motherlanguage.. But love it anyway, because it's understood allmost everywhere...

--Miss @ 18:41, 26 April 2006 (UTC)


Heb je wat te zeggen?

Doe t dan

Even editten en je hebt alle mogelijkheden hiertoe

--Miss @ 12:58, 26 April 2006 (UTC)

Hallo Annemiek,

why You don't work on dutch Anarchopedia? I think we have 3 or 4 dutch-speaking members in our community but no articles there. Are You not interested in that? --X 23:18, 7 May 2006 (UTC)

Annemiek. I have added a link to your page from here, please see if it's ok to you or if you would like to change the description.

Also, I took the freedom to write here a few verses in appreciation of your compositions. ~Rev 22 16:41, 10 May 2006 (UTC)

Music frees spirit from the trap,
of silence.
Beauty and grace clothe your steps,
and, your song is heard
far away, not far apart
moulding Nature, hailing Hearts

Hey thanxx... I posted something on your website to. Hope you don't mind. Thanx for the poem! Like it :D :D

Greetings, Annemiek

--Miss @ 18:14, 11 May 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for your kind reply. I would like to add that this website Anarchopedia is a shared resource, so it is also your website. The is a virtual experiment in Anarchy.

I agree with what you say about socialism. The very brief definition of socialism I gave in my user page is for people who don't understand how socialism is necessary to build a anarchic society, without coercion or violence.

When creating articles, remember not to use the "watch this page" option, or page creation will fail. I already reported this problem here, so it will hopefully be fixed in a few days. ~Rev 22 19:55, 11 May 2006 (UTC)