3rd General Meeting
- Choosing hosting option (tachanka?)
- APOV - we should decide what is and what is not APOV
- Better communication between local @pedia collectives (does anybody know someone from ie. the chinese @pedia?)
- Body to control domain
Consensus reached
It was unanimously decided that Anarchopedia and other collectives that use Anarchopedia hosting should move to tachanka.
Main reason for decision seemed to be that “anything is better than current set-up”
The cost of this hosting is about 100€/mouth.
The hosting and the cost of the hosting will be shared with some others websites:
- kontrapunkt - paid 30€/month
- indymedia.dk
Money will be raised by donations, and at least one of fundraser will be organised by Beta_M and stevo (around December).
Donations preview (If you can donate regularly, please say so in the discussion of this page and update the amount below):
Total: 25€/month
It was noted that tachanka doesn't demand the exact sum of money, but rather asks for donations.
Detail about tachanka
<Alster> there's no contract yet and there won't be one, i don't think. what we've been talking about so far...
<Alster> tachanka would setup between 2 and 4 vservers with a total resources like this: 30 GB HDD, 1024 MB RAM
<Alster> additionally, backup space on a remote server would be offered at some point
<Alster> so you can have backups on two physically seperate locations
<Alster> there's no specific prices, but we've made suggestions as to what could be paid
<eamr> tachanka is a radical political provider - is it right?
<Alster> that's correct
<Alster> Tachanka is very dedicated to secure setups, which protect your privacy and the privacy of your users.
<Alster> for example, we have quite strict logging polcies
<Alster> we work on top of encrypted hard disk partitions
Consensus not reached
Most people felt that there should be some sort of Anarchist POV is needed to protect Anarchopedia from being overrun by authoritarian left and anti-authoritarian right (as well as other unrelated content).
People want to exclude from Anarchopedia sexist, racist, homophobic, pro-state, etc. contents.
The case of "anarcho"-capitalist should also be defined in APOV (accepted or rejected).
The aim is to make a common ground.
Beta_M believed that this will lead to censorship and interfighting.
Stevo believed that this will clarify the aim of Anarchopedia, which is an encyclopaedia about anarchism for the french one.
Libre will translate the french article.
Decision will be reached during the next general meeting.
Better interwiki communication
How to communicate with for example chinese's anarchopedia?
Body to control domain
No solutions founded
Millosh is at the moment only owner of domain.
It will be hard to register association on international level
Signed off
- I think there were more points, but this is what i remember to be correct Beta_M