Licenses acceptable for usage at Anarchopedia
From Anarchopedia
Note that we should try to make our content more useful by default. Even we don't care about licensing of our content, entities and persons which care about statist and capitalist rules -- do care. If we don't allow them to use our content, they won't do that. And free society is not possible without free access to knowledge.
Because of that, here is the list of licenses from the most acceptable to the least acceptable:
- Public domain / attribution-only (depending of jursidiction). This is Anarchopedia default. If you don't put any license template at article in which you contributed, article will be published under those conditions. Content licensed in such way is compatible with any other license.
- Attribution-only forced. We may use and create content explicitly licensed under attribution-only terms of use or under some license which defines it. Such licenses are, for example, CC-BY and GNU Lesser General Public License and BSD revised license. Content licensed in such way is compatible with any other license (except public domain).
- Copyleft license. Examples of copyleft licenses are GNU Free Documentation License, Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License, GNU General Public License and so on. In brief, such licensing allows any kind of usage, distribution and modification of the content while the content stays under the same license. Content licensed in such way is not compatible with other licenses.
- Important note: If you choose to license your content (or if you adopted licensed content) which is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License and GNU Free Documentation License (or under the first two licensing types), Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects would be able to reuse our content. This is not true for the types of acceptable licenses below.
- Solidarity terms. "Solidarity terms" mean that the content may be used just by a particular group related to anarchists and Anarchopedia. We may adopt materials which may be used just by anarchists, socialists, anti-authoritarian and so on. Content licensed in such way is not compatible with other licenses.
- Non-commercial attribution-only licenses. We may use non-commercial content as Anarchopedia is not a commercial project. The example for such licenses is Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License. Content licensed in such way is not compatible with other licenses, except with non-commercial share-alike licenses.
- Non-commercial share-alike licenses. We may use this type of licenses, too. The example of such licenses is Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. Content licensed in such way is not compatible with other licenses.
- Anarchopedia only. This is the bottom of the sum of acceptible licenses. Note that such content shouldn't be used anywhere else and, because of that, it doesn't allow spreading of free access to knowledge.
If there is a similar content licensed by two different types of licenses, we should prefer more acceptable options.
Not complete list of unacceptable license types is:
- Non-derivate licenses. Such licenses are not acceptable for Anarchopedia because writing articles on Anarchopedia assumes constant changing. The examples of such licenses are Creative Commons Non-Derivative licenses.
- Time-limited license. If someone is giving content to Anarchopedia, it shouldn't be limited by time of usage.
- Unacceptable "solidarity" terms. There are no "solidarity" terms of use which assume any kind of ethnic, cultural etc. segregation or discrimination.
- Any kind of limited usage not described as acceptable.
If you have any doubt related to licenses, or you want to be informed better about them, see the the description of the licenses at GNU.