Anarchopedia:Anarchist point of view/proposition1

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Template:stub Anarchist Points of View (or APOV) are from the points of view recognized within the anarchistic movement, from the history and the fights which the anarchistic movement will carry out. Far from limiting itself that to some points of historical anarchistic sights, that the anarchistic culture usually diffuses, it dévellope also points of specific and recent anarchistic sights, which are movements in line of continuation of old movements libertarian.

Anarchopedia thus rejects the points of sights authoritarians, Statists, capitalists, nationalists, fascists, social-democrats, liberals, bolchevics, racists, sexists, etc… Not that anarchopedia by no means states these points of sights, but which they will be expressed only from one anarchistic point of view.

Nevertheless, it will be a question of the tendencies/existing points of sights in anarchism.

Anarchists point of view

  • mutuellist: association of the mutuellist and a self-management/Autonomous social organization.
  • individualist: association of individualism and an associative/Autonomous social organization.
  • collectivist: association of a economy collectivist and a self-management/Autonomous social organization.
  • communist: association of a communist economy and a self-management/Autonomous social organization.
  • syndicalist: association of the revolutionary trade unionism and a self-management social organization.
  • ecologist: association of écologisme and a self-management social organization.
  • others…

pseudos anarchists tendancies

However, Anarchopedia tiend not to count all tendencies invented the very same day (***), or absurd tendencies (anarcho-?) and not having recognition in the anarchistic movement. Authoritative groupings often invent tendencies (or use of symbols) with the “anarcho-” term in order to draw the attention and of the favours, and thus to make it possible to carry out their propaganda. In particular former social democrats or of bolchevic in reconversion, the liberals or the fascists in search for credibility… PdV “anarchist-capitalist”, “anarchist of right-hand side”, “national-anarchist”, and others oxymores of the kind, not having any relationship with anarchism, are not recognized, nor accepted on anarchopedia (but an anarchistic criticism can be made).

articles not requiring anarchists points of sights

Points of view Anarchist are useful for articles in bond for philosophy anarchistic (or other movements whose anarchists have coses to say), however many articles do not have bonds direct with anarchism, for example the article” Cat “, of poetries or of the terms with “neutral” contents, the APOV is thus not necessary in all the articles…

to devellope

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