Anarchopedia talk:en:proposal for new project

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Revision as of 15:57, 23 June 2011 by (Talk) (Prog should be your drug and prescription be your provisions: new section)

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alpha-2 links must fixed in spain, polish and russian. --X 13:12, 27 April 2006 (UTC)

Navigationblock for Mainpage

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just registered and put on my todo list

hopefully this is just what im looking for, looks like i have a lot to read.

Patronizing old ucius had bearing cloud her neglect these features, unbearable irony contained.

Maybe I`ll be Captain Obvious, but... it's only few days to New Year last, so let's be happy! Hoho3ho!)

Happy to meet you hear

I am here to say hi to each person. Pleased to join you hear.

Prog should be your drug and prescription be your provisions

The holidays tender plenty of opportunities throughout overindulgence: extravagant dinners, tantalizing treats, etc. Sometimes the lead on can be obstructive to curb – resulting in holiday burden gain. But on implementing a serviceable mass demise scenario, losing those leave of absence pounds – and upright lifetime authority control – can be entirely within your reach.