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This charter pertains mainly to Wikipedia, and to any project aiming to succeed it as the default GFDL corpus access provider. It is hosted here instead of Meta Wikipedia, which is too closely linked to Wikipedia and Wikimedia, on account of Anarchopedia:Itself's long-standing interest in GFDL corpus governance issues.


Please link all Charter Caucus pages here. For simplicity, please create any new pages with the pseudo-namespace "Charter/". Thank you.

  • Charter/Main -- this page; a hub only for all other pages
  • Charter/Caucus -- information about the Caucus itself, including terms of membership (or lack thereof)
  • Charter/Members -- directory of Charter Caucus members Add your handle here.
  • Charter/Drafts -- directory of draft Charters Create a new page for each draft and link it here.


  • 2005 Apr 14 -- Caucus formed.