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Anarchopedia licensing is per page. If you see a licensing template at the bottom of the page, then you should follow those licensing rules. If you do not see any template, then you may use the content without any restriction (in some jurisdictions it means that you must mention the author(s) of the content).


Anarchopedia is edited mostly by anarchists, most of whom do not care about copyright. However, Anarchopedia is an Internet site hosted by the collective Tachanka in the United States of America. While state force may damage Anarchopedia (ultimately, to shut down Anarchopedia), Anarchopedia must follow the minimal set of rules described inside of the USA copyright law. Following those rules i

Reading and personal use of content

You are able to read and use for personal purposes any material without any restriction. No license is acceptable for Anarchopedia which forbids those rights.

Anarchopedia content may be licensed "for Anarchopedia only". If you see such a template on the article page (usually at the bottom), then you should not distribute that particular content.

Anarchopedia content may be licensed under the "terms of anarchist solidarity". If you are not an anarchist or anarchist organization, then you should not distribute that particular content.

Anarchopedia content may be licensed under the terms of any other acceptable solidarity (socialist, anti-authoritarian, etc.). If your political positions are not as described, or if you do not belong to such an organization, then you should not distribute that particular content.

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The vast majority of Anarchopedia content may be used commercially. If you do not see it explicitly written that some particular content may not be used for commercial purposes (i.e., if the template at the bottom of the page does not contain the word "non-commercial" or the abbreviation "NC"), then you may use the content commercially.

Contributing content to Anarchopedia

A primary goal of Anarchopedia should be to provide useful content. Although we generally do not care about licensing, entities and persons who care about statist and capitalist rules generally do care about licensing. If we do not explicitly allow them to use our content, then they will not use it; but a free society is not possible without free access to knowledge.

In light of the above, here is a list of licenses from the most acceptable to the least acceptable:

  1. Public domain / attribution-only (depending of jurisdiction). This is the Anarchopedia default. If you do not put any license template on the content you have contributed, then that content will be published under those conditions. Content licensed in this way is compatible with any other license.
  2. Attribution-only forced. We may use and create content explicitly licensed under attribution-only terms of use or under some license which defines it. Such licenses are, for example, CC-BY and GNUable for Anarchopedia because, by its very nature, Anarchopedia content is constantly changing. Examples of such licenses are the Creative Commons Non-Derivative licenses.
  3. Time-limited license. Such licenses are not acceptable for Anarchopedia because usage of Anarchopedia content should not be subjected to expiration.
  4. Unacceptab