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We should discuss what InterWiki-Links we want to share. I think in general it would be nice to have

  1. Some common interwiki links in every Anarchopedia
  2. Maybe some language specific. So maybe "Wikipedia" should always link to Wikipedia of same language?

InterWiki can be very powerful because it shortens the URLs and it leads to less redundant work.

Cross-site Interwiki links[edit]

Infoshop OpenWiki
Name: Infoshop OpenWiki / Infoshop OpenWiki (English)
Abbervations: infoshop, ifs, ifseng, ifsen

Note: Please, use "ifsen" or "ifseng" to force "English version" even Infoshop OpenWiki doesn't have more langage editions because it seems that it will have more editions.

Proposals for interwiki rules[edit]

  • I think that first links should be to the same language sites (i.e., on English Anarchopedia interwiki link to Infoshop OpenWiki shoud be before link to the French Anarchopedia; on French Anarchopedia, sites in French should be before Anarchopedias in other languages). This is because if reader knows one language, (s)he would want to see more informations in that language. Of course, this is my POV. What do others think? --Milos Rancic 07:36, 21 August 2006 (UTC)


See also[edit]