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Revision as of 10:33, 20 November 2008 by Esperanza (Talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by (Talk) to last version by Millosh)

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(I am writting code here, so it is not done yet.)

There are two scripts: (1) Before MediaWiki initialization and (2) After MediaWiki initialization. (There is no need for automatization because we are not IANA :) )

Before MediaWiki initialization:

Program shoud be started as "./ | sh".

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 # Some parameters:
 $conf_available_dir = "";
 $conf_enabled_dir = "";
 $vhostroot = "";
 $serveradmin = "";
 $serveruser = "";
 $servergroup = "";
 $mediawikisource = "";
 $mediawikipatch = "";
 $reloadapachecmd = "";
 $default_config = $conf_available_dir . '/template-org.anarchopedia.lang.template';
 die "No default config, no new Anarchopedia!" if (!(-f $default_config));
 die "No vhostroot dir, no new Anarchopedia!" if (!(-d $vhostroot));
 die "No MediaWiki, no new Anarchopedia!" if (!(-d $mediawikisource));
 system "mkdir " . $vhostroot . "/langs" if (!(-d "$vhostroot/langs"));
 # We are getting three letter language code and two letter language code from ARGV.
 die "No language codes, no new Anarchopedia!" if (!($ARGV[0]) || !($ARGV[1]));
 $lng = $ARGV[0];
 $lg = $ARGV[1];
 $lang_config = $conf_available_dir . '/org.anarchopedia.' . $lng . '.conf';
 # Translating LANGUAGE and LANG to real codes
 $httpdconf = `cat $default_config`;
 $httpdconf =~ s#LANGUAGE#$lng#g;
 $httpdconf =~ s#LANG2#$lg#g;
 # Translating VHOSTROOT into real virtual host root
 $httpdconf = s#VHOSTROOT#$vhostroot#g;
 # Who is server admin?
 $httpdconf = s#SERVERADMIN#$serveradmin#g;
 # Commenting RewriteRule and RewriteCond for initialization.
 $httpdconf =~ s/RewriteRule/# RewriteRule/g;
 $httpdconf =~ s/RewriteCond/# RewriteCond/g;
 # Copying MediaWiki source
 $htdocsdir = $vhostroot . "langs/" . $lng . "\"";
 $cgibindir = $vhostroot . "cgi-bin/" . $lng . "\"";
 print "cp -a " . $mediawikisource . ' "' . $htdocsdir . '"';
 # Copying MediaWiki patch
 print "cp -a " . $mediawikipatch . '/* "' . $htdocsdir . '"';
 # Creating some directories and chowning them
 print "mkdir -p \"" . $cgibindir . "\"";
 print "chown -R" . $serveruser . '.' . $servergroup . '"' . $htdocsdir . '" "' . $cgibindir . '"';
 # Putting httpdconf and reloading Apache
 open ("CONFIG", "> $lang_config");
   print CONFIG $httpdconf;
 close (CONFIG);
 print "ln -s \"" . $lang_config . "\" \"" . $conf_enabled_dir . "\"";
 print $reloadapachecmd;

MediaWiki initialization

After MediaWiki initialization

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 # Some parameters:
 $conf_available_dir = "";
 $vhostroot = "";
 $serveruser = "";
 $servergroup = "";
 $reloadapachecmd = "";
 $langfile = "";
 $sqlfile = "";
 $database = "";
 $dbuser = "";
 $dbpass = "";
 die "No vhostroot dir, no new Anarchopedia!" if (!(-d $vhostroot));
 die "No MediaWiki, no new Anarchopedia!" if (!(-d $mediawikisource));
 # We are getting three letter language code and two letter language code from ARGV.
 die "No language codes, no new Anarchopedia!" if (!($ARGV[0]) || !($ARGV[1]));
 $lng = $ARGV[0];
 $lg = $ARGV[1];
 $lang_config = $conf_available_dir . '/org.anarchopedia.' . $lng . '.conf';
 die "No config, no new Anarchopedia!" if (!(-f $lang_config));
 # We need configuration:
 $httpdconf = `cat $lang_config`;
 # Removing commets before RewriteRule and RewriteCond.
 $httpdconf =~ s/# RewriteRule/RewriteRule/g;
 $httpdconf =~ s/# RewriteCond/RewriteCond/g;
 # Putting httpdconf and reloading Apache
 open ("CONFIG", "> $lang_config");
   print CONFIG $httpdconf;
 close (CONFIG);
 print "ln -s \"" . $lang_config . "\" \"" . $conf_enabled_dir . "\"";
 print $reloadapachecmd;
 ### LocalSetting.php
 $old_localsettings = $vhostroot . '/langs/' . $lng . '/config/LocalSettings.php';
 $localsettings = $vhostroot . '/langs/' . $lng . '/LocalSettings.php';
 $datals = `cat $old_localsettings`;
 # Changing $wgScript from $wgScriptPath/index.php to $wgScriptPath;
 $datals =~ s/\n\$wgScript/\n\$wgScript = \$wgScriptPath;\n#\$wgScript/;
 # ...
 # ...
 # ...
 # Removig the old file
 system "rm " . $old_localsettings;
 # Writting new file
 open (IN, "> $localsettings");
   print IN $datals;
 close (IN);
 # Including new language into interwiki tables of other languages.
 ## The form of language code is:
 ### echo "INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES ('###LNG_CODE###','###LNGSITE###/$1',1);" | \
 ###   mysql -u <username> -p <password> <database_existing_language1>
 ### echo "INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES ('###LG_CODE###','###LNGSITE###/$1',1);" | \
 ###   mysql -u <username> -p <password> <database_existing_language1>
 ### echo "INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES ('###LNG_CODE###','###LNGSITE###/$1',1);" | \
 ###   mysql -u <username> -p <password> <database_existing_language2>
 ### echo "INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES ('###LG_CODE###','###LNGSITE###/$1',1);" | \
 ###   mysql -u <username> -p <password> <database_existing_language2>
 ### echo "INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES ('###LNG_CODE###','###LNGSITE###/$1',1);" | \
 ###   mysql -u <username> -p <password> <database_existing_languageN>
 ### echo "INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES ('###LG_CODE###','###LANGSITE###/$1',1);" | \
 ###   mysql -u <username> -p <password> <database_existing_languageN>
 if (-e $langfile) {
   $langdata = `cat $langfile`;
   $lngsite = 'http://' . $lng . '';
   $langdata =~ s/###LNG_CODE###/$lng/g;
   $langdata =~ s/###LNGSITE###/$lngsite/g;
   $langdata =~ s/###LN_CODE###/$lg/g;
   print $langdata;
 # Adding language into SQL script for Internal interwiki for old languages.
 $langsentence = "echo \"INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES ('###LN_CODE###','###LANGSITE###/\$1',1);" | \
                 mysql -u" . $dbuser . " -p " . $dbpass . " " . $database . "\n";
 open (ADD, ">> $langfile");
   print ADD $langsentence;
 close (ADD);
 # Adding SQL code (from Internal interwiki)
 print "mysql -u " . $dbuser . " -p " . $dbpass . " " . $database . " < " . $sqlfile . "\n";
 # Adding language into SQL script for Internal interwiki for new languages.
 $sqlsentence = "INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES ('" . $lng . "','" . $langsite . "/\$1',1);";
 $sqlsentence .= "INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES ('" . $lg . "','" . $langsite . "/\$1',1);";
 open (ADD, ">> $sqlfile");
   print ADD $sqlsentence;
 close (ADD);
 # the end